Hi Again All,
Okay, I think we are there with the pool of songs required for a new album but see what you think. This a the proposed final addition to those already posted. Give it a listen and see what you think. If you agree it has the potential for a great album track them I'll post all the song titles together tomorrow so we may all consider whether they sit well together and if they suggests a journey and possibly a title for the album.
This last one's called I'm Always Here. Here are the Lyrics and link to the track:
Hear me now
Promise that you’ll live
For each moment
Take your time
Keep your thoughts unsaid
Till you own them
You will find me
In the dawn light of a misty morn
You will hear me
In the waves that crash upon the shore
I’m always here…
Love the world
Don’t let fear and hate
Cloud your judgement
Find the hope
In every circumstance
Count your blessings
You will find me
In the timeless truth that binds us all
You will hear me
As the music lifts and starts to soar
I’m always here…
Don’t look back
All that we regret
Is an opening
Love yourself
Know we’re all the same
Yet so different
You will find me
In the winter frost upon your door
You will hear me
In the spring when swallows come to call
I’m always here…
© M McGann 2022
Really love this. Makes me think of my boyfriend Stu who died suddenly 9 years ago. Spooky thing is, before coming here to read your post a medium I follow sent me a message saying Stu was always with me! So this was a sign that it's true...but I knew it anyway. One of my favourite so far, for personal reasons. Thank you Mark. X
I agree with Fay, Mark, that is truly gorgeous, your best yet. 👌 xx
Ello 😊 I can tell this song will relate to a lot of people for different reasons regardless of thoughts and opinions in life like Perplexed Music did, it didn't exclude anyone in anyway shape of form, unless they wanted to be excluded. I think this would be a great main song, I get a film vibe from it, In my head I started to see what the lyrics were describing which was lovely honestly. This can be interpreted in so many different ways by so many different people, this one feels the most exciting to me, in that respect. I hope that helps xx
Hi Mark Your last track is excellent and Shared Not Owned is the strongest one so far. So let's put them all together and start another kickstarter